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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 34 in total

What Does the Exile Tell Us About Leadership? | Week 37

The Exile is behind us. The Jewish people are on their way back to rebuild. It's almost like we've got a new Exodus – a new start for God's people in the Promised Land...

He Dares to Hope | Week 35

Defeated. Demoralized. Jeremiah lives as a refugee in the rubble of his war-torn country. But, where you and I might look around and see ruins, Jeremiah sees reasons t...

A Sad Song in Stereo | Week 34

Jeremiah and Ezekiel record Jerusalem's final days. It's a sad ol' country song... with a few notes of hope in the melody. It's also a set-up for the problems that the...

A Future, A Hope, A Horror Show | Week 33

If you like scary movies, then I've got someone you'll want to meet. His name is Ezekiel and he's here to show us just how frighting life without God can be. Meanwhile...

God, How Could You? | Week 32

Feeling like the story has stalled out? Waiting for God to make his next move? God already has… and in His own words, what happens next is “unbelievable.” Plus, why Is...

What Happens at the End of the Road? | Week 29

We don't know every detail of where all this ride will take us. But we do know what waits for us at the end of the road. Here in WEEK 29, Isaiah and Micah reveal the f...

A Road Trip Thru Reality | Week 28

You feel that? It's the pull of the open road. It's Week 28 and we're on a road trip. It's not just any kind of road trip. It's a road trip through reality.... And, th...

An Island in the Storm | Week 27

After weeks of bad kings, feisty prophets, and stormy politics, King Hezekiah pushes back on the chaos. What's the secret to his success... and ours?

Big Trouble Big Hope | Week 26

Big trouble. Big hope. This week, God's prophets deliver his message to his people. And that message includes a view of the future that stretches from the immediate ti...

When Prophets Arise | Week 25

Prophets. You can't miss them. Elijah. Elisha. Isaiah. Jonah. They are iconic figures who pull legendary stunts. Fire from the sky. Fingers in the face of powerful kin...

Divided House Divided Hearts | Week 24

We kick off the next binge-worthy season of our epic adventure through the Bible. Civil war tears Israel apart and shows us what the next generation of kings are made ...

A Dynamite Question from a Depressed Old Man | Week 23

The past few weeks, we've spent our time with a young King Solomon. His energy, drive, and wisdom have been entertaining and impressive. Here in WEEK 23, we move forwa...

How to Crack a Proverb | Week 22

It's week 22 of our one year Bible Adventure... This week, Owen gets you set up to soak up some ancient wisdom. We talk how to crack a proverb and gain the skills to l...

Solomon and the Search for Peace | Week 21

Solomon. A powerful king surrounded by success but can't find satisfaction. That's the conversation here in Week 21 of our one-year Bible Adventure.

How to Read a Psalm and Get Something | Week 19

If you've ever tried to read a psalm in the Bible and felt stuck, this is the episode for you. We've got four easy steps on how to approach a Psalm and get something o...

Private Decisions & Public Problems | Week 18

This week... David's chickens come home to roost as family drama and political intrigue have him on the run in the wilderness, just like old times. But, all is not lost.

Religion vs. Relationship | Week 17

We are here in WEEK 17... This week... Why we are seeing double as we move through the story this week and what Saul's tragic end show us about what God really wants f...

Saul and David's Giant Problem | Week 16

David solves Saul's "giant" problem... and then creates a "giant problem" for Saul. Why David and Saul's relationship blows up and what that means for us.

A Small Light in a Deep Dark | Week 15

The Wild West chaos of Judges blurs into the background as we zoom in to follow the lives of a string of people who move the plot forward in a major way. Ruth, Hannah,...

Leadership Lessons from the Wild West | Week 14

We are out here in the wild west. It's a time when the Israelites live on the frontier, on the dangerous borderland between prosperity and disaster. In these dark time...

A Life and Death Struggle | Week 13

We are here in WEEK 13... This week... We follow along with Joshua and the Israelites as they step into the Promised Land and move to clear out Canaan where some unfin...

Remember What You Want to Forget | WEEK 12 | Episode 13

It's not deja's Deuteronomy. Here in WEEK 12, Moses and the Israelites' wilderness wanderings come to an end and come with a warning: God wants his people to ...

The Why in the Wilderness | Week 10 | Episode 12

We are here in WEEK TEN... Moses and the Israelites have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory as they turned their backs on the Promised Land. So, hello wilderness...

Destination & Destiny | Week 09 | Episode 11

This is WEEK NINE in our one year Bible adventure.  We're watching the Bible unfold in story order as we read it for ourselves but not by ourselves. We're about to cro...

Sacred Spaces | Week 08 | Episode 10

This is Word and the Wild...a one year Bible adventure with friends. My name is Owen. I'm your host and your guide, and together we are on a 12 month journey as a podc...

On Simmer in the Desert | WEEK SEVEN | Episode 09

This week in our one year Bible adventure with friends.... What does all this stuff about the commandments and the tabernacle in the desert mean to me?As Moses and the...

Tiny Toy Monsters | WEEK SIX | Episode 8

This is WEEK SIX on our one-year Bible adventure... We have crossed over the one-month we are crossing the desert with Moses and the Israelites. It's all abo...

It All Starts With a Baby | WEEK FIVE | Episode 7

Welcome to Word & the Wild WEEK FIVE. This week... Job shows us something amazing about God no thanks to his friends... and God makes good on a promise that's a long t...

A Dark Element Enters | Week FOUR | Episode 06

It's week FOUR in our one-year Bible reading adventure. This week we pause in the Bible story timeline to step into a mini-series featuring Job. In the book of Job, a ...

Not From Around Here | Week THREE | Episode 05

In week THREE of our one-year Bible adventure, the nomads known as Abraham's family find a safe harbor... for now. And, a man named Job gives us a peek behind the curt...

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